Friday, May 1, 2009

Security in New York state

McAfee has secured a multi-year, multimillion dollar enterprise license agreement with the State of New York to provide endpoint security for servers, PCs and laptops at agencies and counties across the state. The agreement, which includes McAfee Total Protection for Endpoint Advanced and McAfee Total Protection for Data, will provide the Empire State with an improved security posture and increased mobility at a total cost of ownership savings of approximately 75 percent over previous purchases. The agreement covers all of the state agencies and counties, comprising over 200,000 servers, PCs and laptops. (Dr. Melodie Mayberry-Stewart, New York state chief information officer and director of the office for technology. Rico Singleton, deputy chief information officer for the State of New York.)

The State Chief Information Officer and Office for Technology (CIO/OFT) provides statewide IT strategic direction and centralized IT services to the state and its governmental entities. CIO/OFT provides a number of IT services to support the missions of state agencies 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, over 90,000 telecom users, more than 50 statewide mission critical applications, a secure network of over 1,600 miles of owned and leased fibers, including mainframe operations, telecommunications, internet and intranet provisions, email, IT training, networking, data storage and processing services. In addition, the agency has a world renowned project management practice, assists with application development, and sets technology strategy and policies for the state enterprise.

Two-to-Watch: Lanxoma, security software developed by Unity Solutions, restricts access to the root level of computer operating systems, grants limited time access permission to authorized users and records all activity while the authorized user is logged-on - so being a deterrent to the "insider threat." At home Spysure's PC product helps protect children from paedophiles and blocks adult content. In the office it monitors and views employees' activities and tells you what is happening online.

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